How did the system of residential care in the German Democratic Republic work?

Whereas in all other Eastern bloc countries home education was ordered by courts, in the GDR it was the responsibility of youth welfare committees. The latter were subordinate to the Ministry of National Education, led by Margot Honecker since 1963. Home education was thus assigned to educational policy and was not seen as a social welfare service of the state.
In contrast to homes in the Federal Republic, the GDR homes were largely state-run. This was due to the fact that, starting in the 1950s, the authorities gave priority to placing minors in state-run homes, thus depriving Christian homes of their financial basis due to the lack of occupancy.

Proportion of denominational homes in 1959
0 %
Proportion of children placed in special homes
0 %

The research center “Kindheit und Jugend in der DDR” (Childhood and Youth in the GDR) at the German Institute for Home Education Research has created this “Heimatlas” (care home atlas) which lists all former GDR homes.

Could parents oppose the institutionalization of their child?

Not really! An appeal against the order of institutionalization was only possible with a one-time complaint. Parents who wanted to defend themselves against this practice, had little opportunity to change the decision, which contradicted the principles of the rule of law.

But sometimes it is better to be away from a problematic family, no?

Of course. But the living conditions were far from ideal for children, even violating in special homes. Siblings who were insitutionalized longer than 6 months were separated. Minors had to live in several homes throughout their childhood, which made friendships and a "home-feeling" impossible.

The two types of homes